Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Found a tree frog sanctuary while out bike riding, heard Spring Peepers.

 It was unseasonably warm today for a March 13th, with temperatures in the 70's, so I decided to clean up my Dahon D7 folding bike and take my first ride of the season. My ride takes me through a business park, which is usually quiet, and good for biking. Near the end of the road, where I usually turn around, I suddenly heard a "cree-cree-cree" sound - VERY LOUD. I realized this was the song of the tree frog, and there were apparently a LOT of them. You could easily hear them over the noise of traffic on the nerby highway. I stopped to take a couple of photos of the area with my iPod Touch, and also to record a minute or so of the sound with it. I researched the sound on the web site http://nyfalls.com/wildlife/Wildlife-reptiles-frogs.html, and was able to identify the tree frog calls as that of the Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c. crucifer). On the site, in addition to photos of the frog, are recordings of the exact song I heard that day:  http://www.nyfalls.com/wildlife/sounds/spring-peeper2.mp3
I hope you enjoy the songs as well.

3/8/2015 - SORRY FOLKS,  those links no longer work!  I just found a YouTube video of an actual Spring Peeper frog singing it's song here:  http://youtu.be/ZX9uODHi0zg
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